Building Infrastructure to support Sustainable Community Funding, Three 3 Missing Ingredients needed to Create Hyper-Success
There is a growing interest and action of the part of Local Foodies, Organic Consumers, Organic Farmers and Producers, Associations and Organizations dedicated to Localization and to Rebuilding the Local Food System. As this movement to return to the earth and its gracious and abundant bounty matures, their is an emerging awareness of the missing infrastructure and knowledge needed to see this resurgence come grow to its full potential. Personally I see at least 3 Three areas that I am committed to working on, and building.
1. The need for a mindshift, and refocus of awareness on the importance of investing at least 10% if not more on the Local Food Infrastructure, building and rebuilding Food Hubs, organic farms, producers, distribution systems, software, electronic exchanges and connection websites, etc. The Challenge is : Invest 10% or more in the Local FoodShed. A “10% Local Moneyshift”™ is long overdue, and the benefits are Huge. This will create a base that can truly allow for a Sustainable Resilient Thriving Community. There is a need for Education about the steps that need to be taken to free captive IRA, 401k, 403b, and other retirement funds, moving them from Wall Street to Main Street, and even Your Street. This is an easy and simple process, but more information needs to be disseminated by everyone involved, since Wall Street and the traditional Financial press and media will not provide this information. It needs to be passed by word of mouth and social media. It does not serve Wall Street to help you free your funds, and thereby risk loosing control and dollars. I am doing what I can to educate and inspire people to reconnect with their money and future by Self Directing their retirement funds, and commit to placing at least 10% in local sustainable projects. Will you join me in this effort, the payoff and benefits are enormous, and the lack of action could prove to be detrimental to your health and well-being
2. The need for identifying and supporting Local Community Banks to become true centers of influence and partners in this localization effort. I am dedicated and committed to assisting them in providing needed trust services so people can move their retirement funds to a local institution that is seeking to partner with them to take control of their money and their future, securing their legacy and quality of life by reconnecting with their money and values, and making a difference locally. We are also working to increase local community bank's bottom line and revenue streams to make sure they are sustainable, resilient, and strong so they can survive and thrive in this changing economic environment. You can participate and join me by identifying the Community Banks in your area that you would like to work with, and I will do the rest to support them in embracing that role, and becoming the Strong and True Community Centered Banks™ they are destined to Be.
3. There is a need for a user-friendly, Linkedin, Facebook, type connection site that lists all the local sustainable projects that need funding so people who have taken the 10% Local Sustainable Project Funding Pledge™ have projects to invest in. This site would benefit from also being the best educational site to teach people how to select the proper and most successful ventures to place their funds in, including a due diligence primer, a system of signals and signs that identify traits and attributes of a successful venture. This is something that is both and art and science, and is employed by many VC’s, Angel Investors, and funders of all types daily, and the many valuable systems, insights, and the vast pool of knowledge could be leveraged and simplified to make it available and accessible to interested individuals and groups. This is crucial to growing this important and valuable movement back to sanity and quality. We welcome ideas, help, experience, and expertise from anyone gifted and working successfully in this area to help build out this resource.
We welcome your feedback, ideas, and collaboration to bring these 3 three needed infrastructure pieces into fruition. Thanks in advance for your interest and action in this exciting and rewarding venture.